Saturday, October 07, 2006

I'm going to scream

If I see one more 16 year old with a baby and a trailer trash boyfriend ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If I see one more 14 year old girl child with their thong showing ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
There is now a Starbucks in Chinatown ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If I go to Chinatown one more time and a man horks in from of me ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If I have to tell one more man to give up his seat on the subway/streetcar or bus to a disabled, elderly or pregnant person ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If one more person bumps me, rather than take the time to walk around me ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If I get one more piece of junk mail ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If one more person singles me out of a crowd and asks me directions ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If I get one more person calling my house for the Ontario Science Centre ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!
If I get one more call at 3 am that is a fax ~ I'M GOING TO SCREAM!

1 comment:

LYD said...
