Monday, October 16, 2006

Day 8... breezing along now!!!

Well, I haven't really been hungry yesterday or this morning. Still not hungry now. I continue on my stomach must be shrinking. Next time we do this fast I want to do it longer than the 10 days!

Put on a pair of pants I haven't worn in a few weeks and they are loose, and needed a belt (they don't normally) and I had to take my belt in a knotch! WHOO HOO!

Also had an argument with a guy here at work about the fast and the fact I am vegan. He apparently thinks I am depriving myself of all the nutrients my body needs. This guy lives on meat and carbs and it shows. I was growing tired of explaining myself so decided to end it with a 'Well, at least my arteries aren't going to slam shut.' He shut up and walked away!

12:00 pm - have only had 2 glasses... still not hungry

1:10 pm - someone who knows I'm vegan just sent me a coupon for steak... at a steakhouse. what's wrong with people!

3:48 pm - you know when you take a really long walk, and you are almost to the place you wanted to go. that is the kind of anticipation I am feeling right now.

I've had 3 glasses so far... the sense of hunger has left my body. maybe it's tired of the lemonade. I have to admit I am. am also not also not looking forward to squeezing 5000 oranges to make sure I have enough fresh squeezed orange juice for thursday and friday so am going to go to The Big Carrot tomorrow to see if they sell it in large bottles. otherwise it's off to Chinatown to buy 5000 oranges.

8:41 pm - one of the things you can't take on the fast is anything for headaches or cramps. today I have been dealing with both, neither because of the fast rather than that monthly joy (not) of being female. this all means I'm done for the night. am going to get my lemonade ready for Day 9 and have tea, then go lay down!

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