Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Day three... the hump day???

well... here we are at day 3. According to the book once we get past day 3 it should be much easier... get over the hump and I coast.

I didn't sleep very well last night, tossed and turned and woke up grumpier than usual, but, no hunger pangs, and I don't feel week at all. I made sure to drink two glasses first thing when I woke up to ensure I wouldn't feel hungry on the subway ride to work and thank the gods I did! I had the worlds longest subway ride this morning! What normally takes 15 minutes to 50!!! GRRRRRRRRR.

At least I have 50 thousand emails to get caught up on to keep me distracted...

I did notice this morning a few pockets of fat are starting to disappear!!! I don't own scales so I have no clue how much weight I have lost and am kicking myself for not measuring myself. I will do that tonight!

12:10 pm - not hungry, am trying to keep up on it with the lemonade before the hunger strikes. However I have noticed that I feel like I'm getting a cold, which is surprising considering how much vitamin C is going into my body. Of course I have sinus problems so it could be that the crap in my sinuses is coming out. And a fun fact, I noticed my nose was bright red last night, still is today!

7:03 pm - so I couldn't update as my work computers email died! The technician spent part of the afternoon trying to fix it and when I left he was still working away on it. So far I have drank 7 glasses. Had pretty good energy most of the day but around 5:30 pm started to crash a bit. Am also getting a bit hungry... probably just habit, but over all feeling pretty good!

The other think I noticed today, Food! Everywhere I went, the free paper in the morning had food on the cover, a lady in front of me on the subway was reading the Toronto Star food section, hot dog vendors, pizza in the subway, a woman sitting in front of me on the subway ride home was shoving a chocolate bar down her throat, as well was a 300 lb man (no I am not exaggerating) gorging on a huge slice of pizza. I say food on the ground, and it seems that every bloody commercial on TV is about FOOD!!!!!

So tonight am going to write, make my lemonade and have tea. Thank goodness I took enough for 12 glasses, the container that held six wouldn't have been enough!

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