Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Day Two - Senna Tea does really work

Well, here we are at day two! Am feeling a bit weak, but over all good energy, if that makes sense. Am drinking the lemonade right away rather than waiting till I am hungry like yesterday and may drink two glasses in a row to start. I drank 6.5 yesterday and we are allowed up to 12.

The Senna Tea worked today... oh boy did it work.... if there is anything left in my bowls I would be surprised! Headache is almost gone. I am pretty damn sure it is caffeine withdrawal.

Will be doing all I can to distract myself today by writing... and what ever else needs to get done. Only problem is I am craving waffles...

11:00 am - am on my third glass, not feeling weak any more and am starting to be a lot less hungry, headache is almost gone as well... now if I could get my brain to stop thinking about food. I think the trick here as well is to keep the belly full, I continually drink water. and the warmth of tea helps. As soon as I am done this glass I will be having a peppermint tea. And note to self... do not drink the lemonade right after brushing your teeth... gross!

12:12 pm - well the hunger pains are fading and are being replaced with a hollow feeling in my tummy... am sipping warm tea and that makes it feel all better! Checked a site I regularly go to and send it to Viki completely forgetting it was about food... woops! I just wish the people in my house would stop eating and cooking... I am planning their demise as I write this...

this is also my PMS week and oddly am doing ok... but of course can't tell if my food cravings are due to the fast or because I'm PMSing... hmmmm....

1:30 pm - am being completely distracted by how cold it is in my house.... were is the bloody furnace guy!!!! Getting a bit of a headache again...

2:44 pm - hmmm head ache isn't getting worse... am about to have class #5.... drinking as much water as possible to keep my tummy filled... Furnace guy, still not here

3:57 pm - still no furnace guy and the hunger pangs are back!

4:46 pm - still no furnace guy, apparently the part was delivered but it sure wasn't left on my front porch!!! Drank the final glass of the batch I made and had to make 4 more to make sure I make it till bedtime. I will have to make 12 glasses for tomorrow and buy more lemons. If I don't I will be famished by 3 pm.

5:12 pm - oh look furnace guy showed up... what ever shall I distract myself with... have noticed that the drink does kill the hunger for a bit... am continuing to drink as much water as I can and soon will need to have another cup of tea. Probably won't do the laxative tea tonight, only because I can't chance being on the toilet and late for work

5:57 pm - fucking hell.. they are cooking again!!!!! so I have a dilemma on Oct 18th (the final day of the fast), there is a farewell bash for one of the guys at work. I was worried about what the hell i am going to do. viki had a brilliant idea. tell them you can't eat because you have to go for a cholesterol test after work. have i mentioned she is brilliant!


viki said...

You can do it ..... it is only food ... it is only food ..... (clicking my heels together)

Anonymous said...

I think you all can do it and will do it!

If I wasn't breastfeeding, I'd do it with you.

I'll keep my fingers crossed!

- Laura

Laura D. said...

*Ahem* Day 3?