Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lucky #13

13 has always been a lucky number for me. Why people think it is unlucky I will never understand. Today is day 13. Once I get through today, 2 more days of fasting and three to come off. I am soooo looking forward to Wednesday morning when I can finally sip orange juice!

I am keeping myself preoccupied with getting my work caught up. Yesterday I finished designing all the new 1" buttons for and finished off zines. I just need to print them, take one final look and off to the printer they go. Then I have the next one to put together. Today I am writing all day. Being at home and near the fridge makes it hard. Every time I open the fridge to get water or my lemonade I am faced with all the food that staring back at me begging to eaten. I usually tell it to 'Fuck Off' and then shut the door.

Some how I have gotten it in my head that the first thing I am going to cook when I can finally eat regular food again is Vegan Meatless Loaf. There is a yummy looking recipe in La Dolce Vegan by Sarah Kramer, so, me thinks that is the one I will be making! The God's know I have worn out all three of her cookbooks in the last week, fantasying about what recipes I will make when the fast is over!

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