Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 12 Slow but sure...

It's day 12 and I am officially at the point of is it day 15 yet? I was ok up until about late yesterday afternoon. I LOVE the lemonade, but am getting bored with it. Really bored. I have been reading through my cookbooks and stating 'when I'm done the fast... I'm going to make that and that and that...' so that's not helping. I am just hoping the white coating is gone on my tongue by day 15. It's still there, though it does seem a bit less today.

I've also just discovered that you can download a pdf of the master cleanse book. In a way I wish I had know that from the first cleanse, but am a book whore and would have bought it anyway, but for those of you wanting to do the cleanse and having a hard time getting the book, print off the pdf.

I'm also back on the Senna tea for the weekend. Man does that stuff work...

~Tips to succeed at a fast/cleanse (my tips anyway):
~Prepare yourself mentally ahead of time. For a week or more before pump yourself up.
~Prepare your fridge. Make sure you eat up all the food that will go bad and don't have anything in your fridge that will tempt you to eat. Though condiments do look mighty tasty when you are hungry.
~Have your ingredients ready the day before. Make sure you always have enough for a few days at a time. This saves less trips to the grocery store. You need, lemons, grade 3 organic maple syrup, cayenne pepper, water, senna tea and peppermint tea (to aid upset tummy)
~Only do it if you know you can do it for 10 days straight. If you have a dinner or wedding or function to attend half way through, don't do the cleanse.
~Follow the three days of coming off instructions. Don't go nuts and start gorging yourself on food right away. Your stomach will revolt!

If I think of any more I will add them :)

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