Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Day 8 Half way?

It's day 8, if I choose to do only 15 days, this means I am half way there. Well... of the fast part anyway. I will still have three days to come off the fast after that. Overall I am feeling really good. Am tired this morning, but that is because I had another night of fitful sleep and bizarre dreams.

The dreams get weirder to. I had one where I was tasting food and then spitting it out, because I wasn't allowed to eat anything, but desperately wanted to taste food. Crazy, Crazy, but am not surprised.

The last few nights I have also been going through all my vegan cookbooks marking all the new stuff I am going to be trying out. I promised myself last fast that I will try new things all the time and not eat the same things over and over again. Life is too short!

1 comment:

viki said...

you go girl!!