Sunday, January 07, 2007

Day 6 Hello, Hello, Hello, is there anybody out there, out there, out there

It's day six and my stomach feels hollow. It surprises me that there is still anything in there, but apparently there is. I've decided to lay off the Senna, I can't chance an upset stomach tomorrow, being Monday and I have to take the subway... with my luck there will be a delay or something.

Otherwise, feel strong and in over all great mood. My cough is GONE. I again thank the super doses of Vit C from the lemons.

I just wish I could stop dreaming about food and craving it. Last night I dreamt I cooked a huge feast. Then the cravings (yes these are all vegan):

Club Sandwich
Salt and Vinegar Chips

That is making me nuts. As well each time I open the fridge to get my lemonade I am tortured by all the food that is in there!

Tomorrow is day 7... almost half way!

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