Tuesday, January 24, 2006

you should be ashamed of yourself canada...

I have never been so disgusted with this country as I am today. The bile that formed in my throat around 10 pm last night is overflowing. Right now you should be ashamed of yourselves. Ashamed that you would allow such a monster as Stephen Harper to be elected as the leader of our country. How dare you! I just thank the Gods that he only has a minority government. Now when he tries to pass bills to take a women's right to chose what to do with her body he needs to have everyone agree, or when he wants to abolish our rights to marry who we chose, no matter what if you are same sex or not, he has to get everyone's vote. Shouldn't you have the right to marry who you love. At this moment that is the only light I see, that he cannot take these freedoms from us at will. But he will try, I guarentee.

Do you realized that right this very second George dubya, is smiling... you have elected a man to be in charge who is pro Bush, both cowboys willing to risk the lives of innocent people to fight wars they have no business being part of. Two rednecks running North America. Way to go Canada! Way to ruin what use to be a decent country. Thank you for putting us back twenty years. That's right by voting for this beast we are about to erase twenty years of progression and freedoms we worked hard for.

Please excuse me while I go and throw up... there will be a lot of that happening for the next year! I just pray that it doesn't take that long for his government to topple!


viki said...

Come on Lina, tell us what you really think !!!

{:C )

Anonymous said...

People don't like Paul Martin, and I think he conceded to losing long before the actual election took place. That said, by the time this government gets their inevitable vote of non-confidence we'll have another Liberal leader heading the party, hopefully Bill Graham (who I heard last night is in the running at least as interim leader of the Liberals, Bill's my riding's MP and a generally quality dude in my opinion). When that happens, and they have someone charismatic in the role again, let's just see if the Conservatives can hold Ontario and Quebec. There's also the chance that the Conservatives will do something dumb during their minority, dumb enough to offend enough people to keep them from getting a second term. Like I said in my blog, since we couldn't get someone sane into power, this is the next best thing, not letting him have the absolute power of a majority.