Monday, January 30, 2006

the weekend...

what a weekend... I spend 12 hours on Friday putting together our latest zine. sat had a migraine... because of the shift in weather... rained all day sunday.. which was fine because I spent 10 hours putting together a second grant. which has to be in the mail end of this week...
then there is the fact that last week I spent way too much money on clothes...but there were sales... lots of sale...

have 1/2 and alien head left and then the scarf is donesky's

saw a really good thriller from 1967, it was called 'What Until Dark'. it starred audrey hepburn.

has anyone else noticed that hollywood has run out of original idea's... if they aren't doing movies based on video games, they are remaking classics that really didn't need to be remade or rehashing old ideas... unable to clone joss whedon, new blood is needed and I am about to do something about it!!!

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