Monday, January 09, 2006

The weirdest dream yet...

I have a very long history of weird dreams... and lots of them... last night was by far the weirdest!!! I dreamt that all of my friends were dropping their cats off to live with me... and no one in my house even noticed that the amount of felines in the house were multiplying hourly... even my oldest step son was fine with all the cats in the house. This is extremely odd as he is asthmatic and seriously allergic to cats. So much so that he can't even be around someone who owns a cat much less be around them...

By the time the cats had all been dropped off there were 7 of them. So my house is now full of 5 people, two dogs and 7 cats.... this is where the weirdness comes in... one of the cats... a white and orange cat with medium long hair.. gets seriously ill and dies.. and there is nothing I can do to stop it... then everyone around me gets all confused and can't understand what is going on... I felt like I was stuck in quick sand and everyone just stood there looking at me sink, that is how I felt when I was trying to save this poor creature...but I couldn't save her/him... then I woke up... what does that mean???

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