Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The weirdness continues and no more noise

The weird dreams continue...

I don't know how this dream started exactly, all I know is I went to my grandma betty's place, except it wasn't her place and my gran died over 15 years ago. I walk into her place at first confused because it all looks different. You see it is no long a 3 room house + bathroom, but a luxury apartment with many rooms and bathrooms... which is more than my gran ever had in her life... she raised 14 kids in that tiny little house and having a place as large as the one in my dream was, would be a palace for her. When I get there, I realize she is not there and start looking around as if I was suppose to check up on things. I realize she is on vacation. At one point I walk into a bathroomw here a tub is filling up with water and when I put my hand into pull out the plug, I feel scared not knowing what I will find and then realize the tub is filled with dishes.

Next I walk into a room that should have a computer in it, from a distance it looks like it does but when I come close it is actually a clock radio. As I walk from room to room, I notice that each is filled with lots of stuff, one room has tonnes of pictures on the wall, the other a bedroom is filled with stuffed animals. That last room is a bed room all bright and white.

I wander out and hear a noise that seems to be coming from the bottom of some stairs, as I am about to go down them a small asian lady comes up and says not to worry, she is her neighbour and was asked to keep an eye on the place. I seem ok with that. When I turn around I then see all these people milling around, like you would if you were walking in a shopping mall. I don't seem phased by it. I then decide to leave.

As I am leaving I see a room off to my left, this room is empty. I look into it and one of the walls is blue with an angeled ceiling, a man walks into the room and says, 'so does it look good', I look at him and say 'no, see the paint is coming off and look, up there, there is water damage, this will need to get fixed.'. He agrees and then I leave...

what does this mean
and thank the gods for viki, she has lent me her mini discman... I no longer have to listen to the noise of people on the subway in the morning!!!!

also started yoga. last nigth I started a rodney yee dvd and my goal is to do it every day and go to actual class at least once a week to make sure I am doing it right. I am not just doing this to lose 25 pounds but for my mental well being as well. plus yoga makes you strong in many ways and teaches you to actually breath!!!

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