Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Half asleep and on the subway not a good combination....

... and that is exactly how my morning started... well actually it started with the zipper on my pants breaking and went downhill from there... somehow I managed to miss my stop this morning as well... my brain must have went into some void, because I swear the last stop I head being called out was Broadview, next thing I knew we were at Yonge... i think i was confused by the fact that I ended up having a seat half way into my morning journey to work...

today is also the anniversary of the massacre in montreal of 14 engineering students... light a candle in their memories and pray for an end to violence against women!
this is from cbc.ca

Ceremonies commemorate Dec. 6 attack on women
Last Updated Tue, 06 Dec 2005 07:11:56 EST

CBC News
Ceremonies are being held across Canada on Tuesday, the 16th anniversary of the Montreal massacre, a day of remembrance of violence against women.

CBC ARCHIVES: The Montreal Massacre

The day was established to commemorate the Dec. 6, 1989, shooting deaths of 14 young women at the École Polytechnique de Montréal.

All 14 women were killed because of their gender.

Tuesday in Montreal, there will be several ceremonies to mark the day, including one at the city's Place-du-6-décembre.

The day will also be observed in other locations across the country.

In the 1989 attack, gunman Marc Lepine stormed an engineering class at the École Polytechnique. It was the last day of term before the Christmas break.

Lepine, 25, proclaimed he was getting even because feminists had ruined his life.

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