Wednesday, March 08, 2006

sleepless nights and unusual visions....

the weird dreams are back... weirder than ever... am not sure how to write this one so please bare with me.

I am in an old hall. The kind you would hold a reception in (there are panelled walls and lots of wooden furniture). I am standing beside a large rectangular table and piles of papers are on it. I appear to be working on something. A co-worker who is about to leave the company (quit), comes in and asks if I am done yet and is being very friendly, which I find odd as normally he would have nothing to do with me. I say yes I am and start to tidy up the piles. Three teenage girls come in and start sitting on the table and the piles of paper.

I am a bit frustrated with their impatience and tell them they will have to wait, as I am leaving and just cleaning up and they can have the table when I am done. We all notice a standing ornanament box sitting on the table. It seems antique, one of the girls peer into the windows of the box and asks who it belongs to. I say that I am not sure, it doesn't belong to me. She replies, "Good, they are ugly." I take a look at what she is referring to and the box is filled with very small figurines of very tall and stick like people. I shrug my shoulders and grab two little brass cups (that look like upside down bells with etching on them) off the top of the box and as I put them in my bag they make a tinging noise. The same girl says, I though that stuff wasn't yours. I reply, "oh the box isn't but these are." She then asks me what they are for and I say, "they are ceremonial."

I am not done packing several very large and heavy black bags with all the paper and am about ready to leave. My co-worker says are you done and I say I am. He then leaves without offering to help me carry the bags. I load them up, without reaction to this and leave the building.

end of dream...

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