Monday, March 13, 2006

40 days and 40...

40 days and 40...

ok... it's raining.. I hate rain and snow.. but at least rain means spring is on the way... and it is washing away the left over snow and all the dirt it left behind... I just didn't appreciate the torrential down pour I had to endure during my ten minute walk to the subway... that's all.

this weekends weather, especially yesterday was so glorious.. it made me want to break out the patio furniture and oh how I wanted to BBQ... For the last two weeks I have been aching to go to the island and spend the day walking around, dreaming about the journey on the ferry were I would feel the breeze brushing past my ears and making my hair dance. the smell of the water... I can't wait for it to be warm enough for me to do these things...

winter was short this year.. but never short enough for me....

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