Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I HATE PUBLIC TRANSIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Fun! NOT!!! Normally it takes me 20 minutes to get from my subway stop to the one near my work, today it took 45 minutes. There was a medical emergency at Yonge and we sat at Pape station because of it for more than 20 minutes. To the point where passengers were getting hostile and one of them start should profanity. I was about to get off out of concern for my safety when the doors closed and we finally began to move. Very.... Very... SLOWLY.. We crept along.

I was very late getting to work!!! I am so fed up with this. Every day there seems to be something. Most mornings I have to let 3 to 4 packed trains go by before I can even get on... I am fed up with our transit system!!! I am considering alternate ways to get to work... possibly even biking or finding someone in my neighbourhood that drives to work, comes down my way and goes to work the same time I do. I don't know how much more of this frustration I can take.
I hate coming to work pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to find a different way to get to work!!!!!!!!!

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