Monday, February 13, 2006

monday.. bloody...monday...

once again it is monday and I find myself sitting in front of my corporate computer at the corporate office I work for. I spend my weekends writing my ass off in hopes of pulling together something significant enough for a publishing company to want to publish. I am tired of waking up exhausted, as I spend every availabe minute of my weekends pursing my dream, never resting enough to feel awake.

each time I walk through the revolving doors to this building my heart sinks. I have a dream and a goal and will get there. I grow impatient though, but this cannot be rushed.

The last two weeks I have realized that regret and grudges are wasted energy and I can no long full fil those emotions. I prefer the bluntness of honesty and the need for respect. The past is the past and there it shall stay.

I woke this morning, more determined than ever. As far as I am concerned doors no longer have hinges and cannot be shut on me.

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