Friday, February 03, 2006

what a waste...

Ever suddenly realize you don't have anything in common with someone. Anything at all. For me this is something of an odd nature as I am always able to find something that I have an interest with almost everyone. At least one thing. This morning after replaying a conversation in my head I realized there is someone out there that I have absolutely nothing in common with. Nothing.

The convesation that started all of this was about what we did on our weekends. My response was my entire three day weekend was spent working on the website print zine, house errand, filling out grants and writing. There wasn't even enough time to get it all done. I spent the entire weekend working on things to help me get to a point where I can fulfill a dream. My answer was brushed aside by this person as they went on and on about how they spent the entire weekend (thats from Friday when they got home from work, till sunday when they went to bed) sitting on a couch watching a dvd box set and they were upset when they had to stop watching to go buy food. This is what this person does pretty much every single weekend.

How do you spend your life like this. Wasting your days watching TV, letting your life pass you by. I spend every available minute working towards my dreams. I don't have the luxury of being able to watch tv for hours on end. My max of TV watching for the week is the hour I get to watch Most Haunted and the occassional movie on scream. It is considered a miracle if I watch more than that. I was actually quite shocked when I had a week that I actually made the time for myself to watch three movies on the scream channel. Even then it wasn't from beginning to end. I just don't have time and cannot seem to wrap my head around those who don't have the drive to better themselves, make their lives more interesting.

The other thing that is starting to bother me as well is this person constantly complains that they have no social life, they don't date or do anything interesting. "That's because you don't leave your couch!!!!!!!!!!!!" They whine and whine and whine and it is starting to get to me. I also have a college friend whose entire goal in life was to get married, own a perfect home, a cat, a dog and 2.5 kids. No career aspirations, nothing. At one point I asked her why she was even going to college, wasn't it a waste of time?

I don't know, maybe I'm the problem. Maybe my Type A personalilty needs to learn how to be lazy and not care so much. Maybe I am actually overdoing it. Who knows, all that I know is I refuse to waste away on a couch!

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