Tuesday, February 21, 2006

high tea

Wow, am not sure what happened but I actually was able to watch 20 minutes of TV last night. After putting up the weekly issue of shebytches I decided to call it a night. My sinuses where killing me. I really should have been writing but.... During those twenty minutes I watched a show about living large in London. Seeing this reminded me how much I want to go to there to visit. There are so many places in this world I could go to but London and Scotland always seem to call!!! Watching that show brought back so many memories of the stories I heard from my Grandma Betty.

Growing up my Grandma Betty taught us many of tradition and one of them was High Tea... lucky for me she didn't choose to serve haggis on these occassions! So I have decided it is time for me to go to High Tea. I think the Windsor Arms is the only place in Toronto that does it proper, I will have to find out!

One day I will finally make it to Great Britian, but in the mean time and seeking out ways to full fill my craving here!

1 comment:

LYD said...

I had an ex who's father was born and raised in GB. Instead of getting together for a family dinner on Sundays, we'd have afternoon tea. This was during the summer and my ex's mother was an amazing gardiner and pianist. We'd sit outside with the fine china, sweets, with the aroma of lavender from the garden, listening to her play a few songs. Quality family time and relaxing at its best!