Monday, February 27, 2006

Girls Will Be Girls

...yes they will and in more ways than one. I rarely watch TV, partly because most of my time is dedicated to writing... I have two books to ready for spring so I can bombard publishers with them, and partly because there is NOTHING decent on TV anymore. A few weeks ago, I finally found something worth watching. Something that not only made me proud to be a Torontoian, but excited that four very funny women were starring in their own half hour show on the Comedy Network. It is called Girls Will Be Girls. Their show is four women doing pranks on unsuspecting people (on Tuesdays and Saturdays).

I have to tell you, I have never laughed so hard in all my life. I finally had something decent to watch! Then last night I found out... they have been cancelled. Why? Why would the network cancel such a entertaining, invotive, and women based show???

Between the fact that there is nothing worth watching on TV anymore and the that all the movies coming out now are remakes.... I may cancel my cable and ban mainstream, big budget film. Indie everything for me from now on!!!

Come on big networks and movie studios... give talented women a chance and new ideas a chance!!!

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