Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Crappy VDAY

Happy Crappy VDAY. As you can probably tell from that statement I am not a fan of today. Today retail exploits what use to be a beautiful love story. Anyone really know how Valentines Day really started? You want to know the real history behind it all look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Valentine and not it isn't about candy. Just like Halloween isn't about candy or Easter...

The other reason I am not a fan is memories of public school. Now a days on valentines you have to bring a card for everyone, but that wasn't the case when I was a child. Then you only gave valentines to the people you liked. Remember Charlie Brown on valentines day... that was me in a nutshell. I would go to school hopeful that someone, anyone would give me one. I would usually come home with three. Out of a class of 25 that was pretty pitiful. My mother was always anticipating more as well and when I would walk by with my head hung she knew not to talk about it, rather making me my favourite meal, cupcakes and steering my father from the topic. She could see the hurt and knew how to make me feel better. Sometimes when I think back was it mother's instinct or did she suffer the same heart break every Feb 14th when she was a child.

Even to this day no one seems to find it necessary to do anything special for me on this fake 'special day'. I don't get cards, flowers, or letters from secret admirers. Every February 14th is just a normal day for me, which is fine, we celebrate it for all the wrong reasons anyway.


Anonymous said...

Happy V-Day! *Hands her a card and some chocolate hearts*

shebytches said...

blushing... thank you!