Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I woke this morning and thought.. meh....

things aren't happening fast enough... why must I be so impatient.

this weekend... I go bowling with the girls... this is the last bit of fun before I hunkerdown. After April 8th, I am dedicating my spare time to writing and working on rebuilding our websites. I am becoming miser with my money as well. Debts need to vanish. If I am to continue my attempts at applying for grant money. At some point I will be living off of just that so being in debt can no longer be part of my life.

at one point a few weeks ago I looked at my back yard and thought to myself... I am going to enjoy my backyard this summer... not realizing that didn't mean, bbq's and drinking wine till 4 am... rather meaning, laptop on patio table working till I have enough meet in my book to shop it around. It needs to be done, meaning fun will be sacraficed.

I have blinders on now to many things...

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