Saturday, February 10, 2007

some points I would like to make...

This last week has been frustrating to me. I seem to be repeating the same things over and over again to people or... the SAME people, so i am doing a little card with this blog address and when I hear the same questions again next week I will direct them here.... yes, there is anger and frustration in my tone... sigh

I am not sick! I'm doing this on purpose. I have been working hard to lose weight since August. This weight didn't fall off over night!!! I'm also NOT starving myself. There is nothing wrong with having a lunch that consists of a large bowl of veggies and hummus!

I will never be a size 6!!!! EVER!!!! Women aren't suppose to have perfectly flat stomachs, a hard ass or arms like a man. We are suppose to have curves and I adore mine!

I am vegan.
No I do not eat cheese and yes YOGURT IS DAIRY. No I do not eat cheese and yes YOGURT IS DAIRY. No I do not eat cheese and yes YOGURT IS DAIRY. I thought if I said it three times and clicked my heels together it would finally sink in to the brain of the person that has asked me 4 times this week if I wanted some cheese or yogurt.

Excuse me, I'm trying to get by.
The voice in my head is really saying, 'MOVE OUT OF THE WAY YOU FUCKING RETARD!!! Are all teenagers deaf and must they carry hiking packs everywhere they go and NOT remove them on crowded buses!!!!!!


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