Friday, February 09, 2007

an inconvenient truth

I just watched a movie called an inconvenient truth. RENT this documentary now!!! It was eye opening. Everyone needs to watch it, then make your children watch it, insist that schools show this movie to their students, tell everyone you know to watch it. We need to snowball Al Gores message and get it out there. I try my hardest to help the envroment, I recycle, don't litter, us enviromentally friendly products, packaging etc. I use public transit or walk where ever I can. But after watching this, I realized I am not doing enough and that will change as of this second.

Earth is our home and if we don't stop the way we are treating it right now, it will evict us!

Just look around you. Look at all the polution, the extreme weather, the vanishing forests, lakes and species. Over population, drought and famine. You think that is all happening on it's own. Think again, we are causing all of these problems and we are the only solution to stop it from getting worse!

Mother Earth is angry and she is fighting back and trust me, she will win.

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