Sunday, November 26, 2006

read the ingredients twice

so.. in the last two days I discovered two products that I was advised were Vegan safe that are not... I'm furious with both these companies and am going to be sending complaints shortly.

The first one is a product sold in Kensington Market and produced by a company out of Brampton (King Foods? Of course the package with the name is not near me but I will update this when I get my hands on it). The package contained faux vegetarian chicken strips. This package was clearly marked, Suitable for Vegans. I purchase this product at the Vegetarian Food Fair in September (after being told by the lady handing out samples it was Vegan safe). For some reason I came home threw it in ther freezer and didn't think about it again... till last night.

I pulled the package out the freezer and something told me to read the ingredients again.. there were the words Whey Protien. WHEY PROTIEN is an animal by-product. HOW!!!!! can these people say 'Suitable for Vegans' when there is animal in their product. I was furious.

Then today, while at the Big Carrot, I thought I would treat myself to a Tetra Pack of the Tazo Chai syrup (the one that Starbuck uses). Again a little voice said read the ingredients carefully. I did, all them versions contained HONEY. These are the same boxes I see them using when they have been making up my Grande Soy Tazo Chai lattes. The same Latte's that the guy behind the counter assured me were safe for Vegans.

WHAT THE HELL ARE WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!! I think I am going to make up a card and carry it around with me. It will list all the things Vegan's CANNOT eat. Each time I go to a coffee shop, grocer or restaurant and when I ask if it is 'VEGAN SAFE' I will make the person helping me read the card TWICE!

1 comment:

Laura D. said...

That would be a good list to post on the VV website you've got going!