Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Open letter to those who are making me crazy...

Below is an open letter to those who are making me crazy. Either it is because I can no longer tolerate you or have become frustrated by your actions. Please read!


Dear (insert your name here),

I'm normally a very tolerant person. Or at least I try to be. Lately though my patience has grown thin and my tolerance of many is growing weary. I ask only a simple list of things from all of you. The things on this list are pretty standard and easy to follow. Out of respect for my sanity I ask that you read the list, memorize it and fulfill it.

~If you want to talk to me, talk to me and don't stare waiting for me to take the lead on a conversation. I don't bite. Ok, I do but have been asked to stop.
~Look at me when I talk to you.
~When I email you respond to me... same day. No one is really that busy.
~Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you.
~Don't mumble when you talk
~Don't nag at me
~Don't ask me a question I can't answer and then after I say I can't answer it ask me again.
~Don't make me repeat myself, 50 times
~Don't ask me the same question over and over again
~Don't talk down to me
~DON'T make any kind of chauvinistic remarks around me... I do bite (see above)

As you can see these are really easy rules to follow. Do yourself a favour and start following them. If not, I won't tolerate you any longer. And trust me that list is getting pretty long.

Yours Truly
The bytchy one

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