Saturday, September 09, 2006


Sometimes I need a swift kick in the ass. This week I got a few... here is a bit of a list, a more detailed one will be in an upcoming issue of

~Clarity has been given to me about someone's reactions towards me. Thank you V for clearing that up
~A palm reader gave me the kick in the ass I needed. It's funny how strangers do that for me.
~I am no longer hiding who I am to those I work with. I am a writer and I run an amazing website, who cares if they know. What the hell was my problem all this time! I have no problems telling strangers.. so why not a bunch of accountants...
~I finally met Liana K and she is as cool as I thought she would be and Sean Ward is much taller than I remember and yes he DOES rock the Casba!. Fyi he will be the next interview for our podcast!
~Shaun Downey is quite possibly the one of this cities most talented painters!
~I own an uber cool phone but the MP3 function is useless to me unless I buy a card for it. Ok, I can download songs from the web but have to pay for them. I want to download the stuff on my Mac
~Beware of girls with monkeys!!! October, you know who you are!
~Being a vegetarian or a vegan does not make you a freak, it just means I am going to live longer than your neurotic carnivores!
~I'm no longer invisible.... it was fun while it lasted.
~I am a Dark Knight and I belong to a Secret Society. How cool am I???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you say Secret Society?! How do I join???

