Monday, September 18, 2006

Let's change it up...

I've been a vegetarian for over 10 years and recently changed to Vegan. There are many reason why I changed but I won't bore you with those details, rather let me share some of the really neat things I am finding.

I have been on a information quest since I switched up. I am a research junkie so this is beyond fun for me. One of my concerns with switching is I LOVE to bake and I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to make my yummy treats. So in my quest to find animal free recipes I came across a couple amazing sites.

The Post Punk Kitchen - This is not only a Vegan cooking show, but one of the coolest websites I have found in ages! These girls rock. The site is full of recipes and helpful hints, videos, merchandise (I want a tee) and is just plain fun!

I want this woman to start making my lunches... I'm serious. This kid not only has the coolest lunch box, but the worlds best lunches. I bet his class mates gather around each lunch to see what is inside the blue box!

So yesterday. (Sunday).. I wasn't inspired to write, instead spent a good chunk of time searching vegan stuff... and cooking...


now that i am making all my food from scratch...

made a soup in my slow cooker


~vegan banana bread
~vegan chocolate nut muffins

Everything was yummy.. what is that old saying, if it tastes good, it can't be good for you... that's a load of crap!

Today at lunch am going to see if I can get my hands on Vegan with a Vengence as well as a couple other Vegan cookbooks!!! Am also on the look out for the cookbook by Toronto's own Wanda's Pie In the Sky...

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