Saturday, June 17, 2006

Please make me laugh...

Movies don't make me laugh any more... aren't comedies suppose to? Last night we decided to rent a movie, foolishly we rented The Wedding Crashers... Thank goodness Rachel McAddams was in it or I would have hurt someone She was the only one who saved it. Ok, Jane Seymour was brilliant as the skanky Mother of the Bride but... that was about it... The only two times I laughed the movie were when Vince Vaughn got hurt. That boy needs some sense knocked into him anyway.

Yes here I go on my Vince Vaughn rant again... why is he wasting his talent on stupid guy humour comedies... yes, it's big bucks, but he is a dramatic actor and a great one at that!!! Why is he wasting his talent!

Very, very soon I am going to boycott all of Hollywood made movies and stick to British made films and foriegn films... at least I have the subtitles to distract me if the move gets out of control.. or boring...

The only bright light these days is Jack Black and the guy who wrote Napolean Dynamite. Two men. Two men are all that are left in Hollywood with a creative bone... Two....

Can anyone recommend a good foreign film to me???


LYD said...

Life is Beautiful

shebytches said...

I will have to rent it :)