Saturday, June 10, 2006

Why must we lie about our age!

This question is starting to IRK me!!! Big time!!! I know it shouldn' be bothering me... but it is. I know women who are proud of their age. One of my dearst friends in the world isn't afraid of it! She is turning 49 in a few months and is proud of it!!! Her sister is 44 and damn proud of it! I am 39 and in a month and a half will be 40. I'm damn proud of it!!! None of us actually look our ages... we could easily knock ten years off and get a way with it, but we don't.

Then there are the women who lie about it. They lie to get ahead, they lie because they are afraid men won't want them if they fess up, they lie because growing old is an insult to them... One of them keeps telling the world that she is 33... when if fact she is 38. I know because I have seen the drivers licence. The other one is also 38 but continues to tell everyone she is 35... I know her real age because she told me one night when she was drunk! And this is bothering me. It's not bothering me because of my own vanity. I just told you my age so I can't be that vain. It's bothering me because these women are ashamed of saying they are older and that makes them ashamed of us, the ones who tell people how old they are... and that is starting to annoy me!


LYD said...

DOB: July 22, 1982
Age: 23
Soon to be: 24

And that's the honest truth! ;)

shebytches said...

so depending on which chart you go by you are either a cancer on the cusp of leo or a leo on the cusp of cancer... me... full on LEO.. or had I been born when I was suppose to have been a Libra!

LYD said...

Born right on the cusp... 11:55pm Right when the transition happens. :)

LYD said...

Born right on the cusp... 11:55pm Right when the transition happens. :)