Thursday, June 01, 2006

my week from hell...

Welcome to my week from hell! Being the child of Loki, I'm am not surprised by it all... just growing increasingly tired of it. All Hell broke loose Monday morning with the TTC strike, Tuesday I was late due to many delays on the subway... yesterday was 40 minutes late due to the west bound train being shut down because an emergency... then today... it's month end at work and anything that could go wrong did! More motivation for me to get enough freelance work to stay at home and write all day...



LYD said...

You'll be freelancin' soon!

All this will seem like peanuts once you're living your dream.

Sometimes the most hellish of times turn into awe inspiring works. They definitely make us stronger!

Plus, preemies already have a fiesty edge over the rest ;)

shebytches said...