Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I want a do over...

Ask me if I am depressed and bitter about the crappy weather over the long weekend!!! No really go ahead and ask me... I woke up this morning and looked out at sunshine... the forecast is predicting warm sunny days... today at lunch I didn't need my jacket... WHY COULDN'T the weekend have been that way... hmmm... hmmm.

NO, no... it had to be crap. Yes I was busy working on my portfolio for a good chunk of it.. but Sunday decided I would spend the afternoon out. The only day I could really and what happened... CRAPPY weather... It was cold and wet and CRAP! Oh the weather people are predicting a long, hot, dry summer, could it have not started on the long weekend... How come the Americans get perfect weather for their upcoming Memorial Day weekend... why...WHY???

What was accomplished, seeing as I was stuck inside... well let me see...
Portfolio is 80% done.
House is tidy
Planted some herbs
I spend some quality time with spiders in my basement office...
I defiantly BBQ'ed last night in the freezing cold!

Not accomplished...
Yard work
Planting in my garden
Getting some much needed sun.. I glow in the dark currently...
Sitting on my front porch drinking wine
Having dinner outside on the deck

I say we should get a do over... we should be able to have this coming Monday off as well!

1 comment:

LYD said...

I stand behind you 100%. I want a do over too!!!