Monday, November 19, 2007

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Simopolous

Mr. and Mrs. Simopolous gave me their extra TV.... you guys are awesome! The Dr. helped me retrieve it from their place... you are beyond awesome!

Now what the hell do I do with it??? I don't have a DVD player yet. I have an old laptop I can use in the meantime to watch DVD's but can't find my video cable. Hopefully I can come up with a solution for that. Then I can at least watch movies. That was the entire point of a TV for me. I don't want cable... the only channel I miss is the Scream Network... but unfortunatetly I can't just order that channel... bah humbug... so.........

I stare at it... no it's not actually on when I do this... but I still stare at it...

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