Sunday, March 04, 2007

Book News from one of our writers

Check this book by Karoline Blaha-Black! She is one of our writers.

The book is called "Anika and the Magic Top" and it is a fantasy story for middle grade girls (7-12 years old). The book costs $12.00 and is available for purchase online at, from myself, and will be also available in the Denton (Texas) Hastings next month in the "Local Authors" section.

Twelve-year-old Anika finds a magical spinning top in her mother’s garden. Upon spinning it, it transports her to a land called Animalia. It is a magical land where only animals live, and it is ruled by an evil opossum king called Zarr. Zarr steals the top, Anika’s only way of return to Earth, but Anika and her friends figure out a desperate plan. They manage to trick Zarr, and Anika banishes him with the help of the top to an unknown land, so he can’t tyranize Animalia anymore. Victorious, she returns to Earth with a special gift from the Animalians and rejoins her family.

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