Ok, this has been a crap week!!! Around noon on Monday I started to get a tickle in my throat... by the time I got home from work my throat was on fire, I was coughing and I had a slight temperature... Tuesday I woke up feeling like hell, but had to go to work... it was the week before vacation... coughing, slight fever, headache... When I got home it had gotten worse... Wednesday... same thing but with a 103 fever... still went to work... may as well infect everyone... misery loves company... Thursday.. I prayed I would be better. It is Solstice and I needed to go the Festival of Lights. Not happening.. still have a 103 fever, haven't slept in two days due to the coughing and have lost my voice. Like the fool I am still went to work...
Today it's friday. I am working at home, and need to get caught up... I still feel like poo
I guess that is my early Xmas present from the Flu Gods... Geez thx!
At least 2006 is almost over!!!!